Print Due Out Folios

The Print Due Out Folios command generates the list of folios for all stays that are due to check out for the current day, and allows you to print all due outs, just the stays that have express check out selected, or the stays that have credit cards, direct bills, or zero balances, checked out's only, or Folios with a balance. You can also select to print due out folios for only a selected building. Once generated, the report lists each folio for each stay that meets the selected criteria, for the current date. The folios selected are generated in PDF form and open in a separate browser window, one folio per page. From there you can select to save or print the folios.

This makes this command a versatile tool for organizing your expected departures for the day ahead.

The Print Due Out Folio command may be found in the Room Reports section of the Reports menu, as well as in the Night Audit Menu.



Date Updated March 23, 2021